Projects / Initiatives

In 2012, Ken Houston declared homelessness and blight a state of emergency before it became an epidemic. As a lifelong community advocate, he immersed himself amongst the homeless/unhoused population for 30 days to understand the causes, effects, and impacts. The lived experience became the platform for efficacious programming and cross-sector collaborative partnerships.

Passion, People, and Projects are the driving force behind the Beautification Council’s initiatives. Through our numerous initiatives, we are significantly disrupting the cycle of blight and homelessness supporting citizens while enhancing the quality of life, increasing pride, and restoring the magnificence of neighborhoods, communities, cities, counties, and the State.



Beautification Council’s Projects / Initiatives:


ACID – Alameda County Illegal Dumping Task Force
ACDP – Alameda County Department of Probation (skill set training for re-entry and justice-impacted individuals) 
CETN – Community Engagement Through Nature (founded through Chip the Bay Bridge Chicken – Back to Basics)
HEMS – Homeless Encampment Micro Cleaning and Sanitization 
OBA – Operation Beautification Advancement 
OBM – Operation Blight Mitigation 
VAP – Vaccine Ambassador Program 
METRP – Mayors Emergency Trash Removal Project
CCMA – Clean California Maintenance Agreement 
CARES – Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act
PDRM – Pick Up & Drop (mattress recycle) 
OSC – Operation Clean Sweep  
CCDA – Clean California District Attorney 
CCT – Cleaning California Together